riskisoft akan share software lukis yaitu : COREL PAINTING X3 FULLVERSION
Anda buat, dengan Corel ®
Painter ® X3 Anda akan menemukan semua alat yang Anda butuhkan untuk
membuka kemungkinan artistik baru. Bekerja dengan ratusan kuas yang
disesuaikan , tekstur kertas dan media basah dan kering yang terlihat
dan terasa seperti hal yang nyata! Teknologi RealBristle ™ ulangan
perlengkapan seni tradisional lebih realistis daripada program cat
lainnya di pasar. semua ada di dalam X3 Corel Painter.
Features :
System requirements :
- Brush Search engine
- Stroke preview
- Advanced Brush Controls
- Jitter brushes
- Jitter expression
- Perspective Guides
- Reference image
- Meet the artist Paint Jam sessions
- Cloning workflow
- Transform across multiple layers
- Color set libraries and Mixers
- Memory optimization
- Brush Sharing and Management
- RealBristle™ Media
- Flow Maps
- Smart photo-painting tools
- Customizable surface texturing
- Agile brush control
- Brush tracking
- Move and Copy Brush Variants within a Library
- Temporal Color Palette
- Custom palettes
- Workspace Creation and Management
- Adobe Photoshop compatibility
- Wacom multi-touch pen tablet compatibility
- Corel® Cinco for Painter
- Motion Gesture support
- Multi-platform support
System requirements :
- Windows 8 (64-Bit), or Windows 7 (32-Bit and 64-Bit) (with latest Service Pack)
- Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64 or AMD Opteron
- 2 GB RAM
- 450 MB hard disk space for application files*
- Mouse or tablet
- 1280 x 800 screen resolution
- DVD drive
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher
screenshot :
size : 190 mb
pasword rar : riskisoft.blogspot.com
corel painting :
WARNING! : dilarang keras untuk copy paste!
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